Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dallas 8.14.08 RETURNED**

8.14.08 Dallas again, all shopped out. After my visit with Wendy in GA, i drove 150 miles back down to Jacksonville, FL to see my final sailboat Wed. then i drove back to Dallas. It was quite a 'shopping spree.' I went from Houston all the way around the gulf coast and down to Key West, then back up Florida to the top of the east coast. I've seen so many boats i cant remember them all. Now i'll have to see if there are any worth buying... I'm going to create an Excel spreadsheet and get all this data - "apples to apples."

Stay tuned and maybe i'll start bidding on a boat!


Valdosta, GEORGIA

Tuesday 8.12.08 Valdosta, GA and a visit with Wendy Colson. Wendy and I were in College together in Searcy, Ark 1978-9. We connected a few years ago via the internet and i promised if i was ever "in Valdosta" i would look him up.... Well Tuesday after i looked at a boat in Titusville, FL i had a chance to drive 150 miles up to Valdosta and see Wendy.
(wendy at his fish camp)

He's older - but thank goodness UNCHANGED. I'm too tired from driving to write about the time he jumped a freighter and 'pulled a hobo' routine. Now he runs the family Printing business, fishes and plays in a band.

keep on trucking Wendy!