Truth be told - I was a few minutes late to work this morning. The Apache helicopter distracted me. They had parked it in the lot over the weekend for some promotion at the marina. Then this morning 'early' it was going to fly back to the airbase. "
was going to." but a real dark nasty cloud front crossed just west and north of us causing them to be grounded till the Airbase allowed landings. (the pilot said, "i would rather be sitting here wishing i was flying, than be up there wishing i could see down here." then he recounted a tale of a time he was 'being stupid' and flew into a cloud. "it will make you find religion real quick when you cant see anything.") There were lots of Cops, Firemen, and looky-loos like me. we got a great tour of the craft and i got to climb up and take some photos into the cockpit. The two pilots were just sitting waiting till the airbase gave them permission to fly it home. (about ten miles) "We'll be leaving in 20 minutes." then twenty minutes later - "in another 20 minutes." and so the story went....