Wednesday, February 13, 2019

At anchor in Bimini

the plan
the reality of our confusion...
We ended up sailing to Bimini instead of Andros Island.  (Like Columbus?)  Our plans didnt change, our boat did.  Prodigals engine died about 3 hrs from shore when we were Way Way out into the gulf stream.  pulled / swapped the fuel filter, bled the fuel lines and got it started again...  for about 3 minutes.   (I replaced 4 fuel filters and climed into the engine rm at least a dozen times.  all the while drifting north in the stream)  THEN we got it running and were hauling ass at about 8 knots, for exactly one hour.  Then she died and I couldnt get her going again.  decided to sail - BUT - it was too rough to climb on deck in the dark to try to raise them. (8' seas) so we drifted the WRONG way sliding north past the turn to Andros.  In the end we sailed to Bimini where we are at anchor for the night.  will TRY to find a diesel mechanic - or i'll become one - tomorrow.

As we limped into the tiny open unprotected harbor, we raced a storm front closing in on us.  We lost the race and Rick had to endure 30 knot winds and beating rain to drop the anchor.  Our visibility went to about 50 feet but the anchor held and we are thrilled to be anywhere!
 Ricks hot sweaty face
Midnight after working in the engine rm

Drinking a glass of RED wine and resting tonight.  not much sleep for anybody since we left. 
glad you can enjoy the trip from the comfort of home!  Ahh the relaxed lifestyle of the Pirate.

The morning after, eating breakfast and about to put on my diesel mechanic hat and start to figure out the engine....     
Happy Valentines Day!      
I hope your engine is humming along smoothly.
xo Pirate Skip