60 and still kicking it out.
I was born on November 30th, 1956 and the rest is history...
I want to thank all my family, friends and especially the strangers who wrote, called and emailed me their good wishes. It's not easy to stagger into ones sixties. It has taken me lots of help and many many years to get here. A special shout out to my sailing buddies who have helped me get this far on my quest. *note: buddies i aint there yet and still need your help, so stay with me. This thing's just getting started.
Happy Birthday to me! Banana, chocolate cookie, coconut shred, almonds and 2 ice creams!
NOT my stolen bike
Birthday Sushi and sashimi
It's been a great Holiday - Birthday - Skip Pirate Celebration here.
Today i got back from West Marine to find my arch villain, The Osprey, pooping on my decks again. (I think he is eating granola and seafood to load his butt canons before sitting above my decks) Damn Bird! *see this fish head that was laying on my deck. (i think it's his, not mine)
See this bird in the rigging. It's about the size of a small dog, a piglet, a large house cat.
It poops like an elephant.
TODAY it turned foggy. The wind changed directions and it's cooling off.
I hope to cover up with a quilt tonight and get some sleep like a baby!