Saturday, April 04, 2009

4.4.9 Packing for Adventure

I'm up early Packing for a Spring Break Holiday. I've got a few ports open on the boat and can hear the gulls singing as the Marina wakes up. the air is 'brisk' now with a cool light breeze across the water. 59 degrees. it'll be crisp till 9 or 10 depending on when the sun melts away the little white cotton ball clouds. I'll just grab a cup of coffee and finalize my list of "must have" equipment. Camera, Laptop, Sandals, Sunglasses, Sunscreen, Swimsuit....

I'm going sailing in the Caribbean till the 30th. Cruising for 3 weeks. Not on some big cruise ship, on a 41' sailboat with Craig and Angela. Captain Craig and Admiral Angela are on S/V Hakuna Matata for a three year Caribbean Cruise. They sailed from Florida the first of March and are winding their way down island to Venezuela, where they will sit out hurricane season this fall.

The s/v Hakuna Matata is sailing today between Nassau down to Georgetown Bahama where i fly in Monday to meet them. then we will sail together to Puerto Rico and i fly back home. This is a very large adventure. I'm so thankful to Craig and Angela for allowing me to share in this leg of the journey. I think by now they have gotten into the routine of being live aboard cruisers. Just in time for me to mess everything up! yippee.

I cant wait to post from the islands. Photos from the boat to follow when i meet up with them.

Hope the sounds of seagulls are gently waking you today wherever your sailboat lives.
