I'm just counting the days till Friday
and Cam's arrival, to start the return voyage.
Phil and Leslie of s/v Jubilee had their son and girlfriend arrive for a week.
Then my boat batteries crapped out. $600 and I got locally the bare minimum to return.
A muscle man, 18 year old, from the dock to help me lift them.
~130 lbs is too much for my old back. ($600 is too much for my old wallet!)
Yesterday i took my bike out for 3.5 hr marathon ride around town.
yesterday I pulled the bike up on shore to change my front brakes in the shade of the trees. while I was sitting there working a 'kid' of about 30yoa walked up and asked me if I could "take him to Miami for $5,000?" it was pretty strange. I think he was serious. I told him no. made me wonder if he was Haitian? any normal person can get to Miami for a few hundred bucks. He then asked, "are you worried about the coast guard?" another - NO. *aint life strange.
So i'm on hold.
I'll do laundry Tuesday.
Grocery shop Thursday.
Cam arrives Friday.
- Planner Captain Skip