[NEWS FLASH: Captain Craig is getting daily more stressed about the time frame for departure stretching on and on. (he doesnt say anything but i am an expert on reading the signs. duhhh) the boat, s/v Hakuna Matata wants to be in the southern islands before July. so we have to get her moving fast and far ASAP. ]

Fortunately we are not alone. lots of other cruisers are also sitting here anchored in Luperon harbor awaiting the window to travel east. Last night we shared a Potluck dinner at the Yacht Club. this was about 20 people. a grand time was had by all. judging by the activity around it seems naps are the order of the day. (nothing is moving in the harbor)

Large grey puffy clouds are rolling over the mountains and down through our anchorage sharing a nice cool breeze that clangs against the rigging and drops small sprinkles of rain. Maybe this is the leading edge of the front they have been predicting on the weather channel SSB for the past week? Maybe it’s just a nice rainy afternoon for naps?
I mentioned that Wednesday we shared a van into Puerto Plata to play tourist and shop. We went through an old Spanish Fort and also stopped by the one ‘boating supply store.’ That was the day before yesterday. OH, almost forgot - they also took us to Brugal family Rum makers bottling plant. Thursday i shared photos with Jim and Renata off s/v Emerald Seas. Jim gave me some good ones he took with his underwater camera at the waterfalls (thanks jim) http://www.sailblogs.com/member/emeraldseas/

All good in the DR. -skip