Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Cold Cold Winter Week

We are having our winter today and tomorrow.  It rained yesterday and blew to beat the band.  Then this morning i awoke to calm and clear with very mild temperatures.  So i lowered my dingy and rushed to shore to do laundry.  (I was not the only person to figure this out, nor was i the first)  The machines were in pretty short supply because of the Holiday Weekend and rain.  So i got in line and waited.  But about the weather.  When i finished washing and drying my three loads the weather had changed.  It had dropped about 20 degrees, fog had moved in, and a wet spitting wind had kicked up.  There were waves on the bay and i hurried to make it back to the boat before the rain started.

I've been back on-board since lunch and the temps have continued to drop.  The 6p weather showed snow in Tallahassee and now it's getting bitter cold here.  I'm putting another quilt on the bed and hoping i dont freeze tonight.  60 is cold on the boat.  Something in the 30s is gonna be very impressive.

Snow blind,   Skip

PS.  i was invited back for a New Years Eve Party and went.  Cruiser new year is 8:30pm, so i got to celebrate and still make it back to the boat by 9pm.  I hope everyone has a very Happy 2018.

I was awakened at 1:40am to the sound of strong wind and my dingy being blown back and forth up on the arch.  (i pull it up onto the arch each night before bed) Yesterday i had raised it and strapped it in place.  But somehow the strap had slipped and the dingy was bouncing around.  So i jumped up and put on a windbreaker, shoes and gloves and went on deck to tie it up better.  It was cold up there with very strong wind and high gusts.  After tying it back up i got back below and into bed.

This morning when i awoke, the boat felt like a deep-freeze. It was 35 degrees outside. You can see your breath down below.  I've started the generator now and turned on a heater.  My heater only reads down to 54 and that's what it is still reading.  It is warming up and getting comfortable and still colder than 54.  I'll just bundle up and wait.  We will have temps in the 70's in a few days.  *Great news - it just clicked up to 55 in here.  No wonder it feels so good!  Stay Warm wherever you are.