Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My what a Big Conch Sandwich you have Grandma...

The Cracked Conch Cafe in Marathon has a $9 Conch Sandwich on their menu.  I ordered it not realizing it's a monster sandwich.  *note the conch shell and freshly removed conch meat.  (you get this massive conch mussel and then pound it flat with a baseball bat, cook it and eat.  yum)

 The church where Debbie and Lynne went for Hurricane relief clothes.  
i stopped during a bike ride for a photo of the stained glass windows.  
One is Saint Columba and the other is The Lohc Ness Monster.

 A mooring ball showing how it's actually screwed down into the seabed.

These other photos are 'typical' mornings and evenings, plus a rainbow.