Sunday, November 28, 2021

I got a new bicycle and LOVE IT

 a TREK verve2 electric bike.

28" tires and XL-large frame.

It has a battery, motor and 9 gears, plus 4 motor speeds.  The brochure says i can ride 70 miles on a single charge.  My butt says I can't.  I'm still not sure who is right....

my first trip around the neighborhood.

With the NEW BIKE I can cover way more ground
and see a lot more of Clearwater and towns near me.

The Oaks apartments of clearwater

the main drag on the island

My apartment upstairs.

St. Petersburg Marina
Bill and Denise Sears came over and we had a great lunch visit last week.

It's my kind of place!  I'm going to like it here.