Sunday, September 15, 2019

Fort Pierce for the week

The marina and the boat life...
 foundation prep still underway

 Audrey a cute marina worker with the mascot cat

Stranger things have happened but this was today's.  In San Jose they had these silly scooters all over town.  I walked around them all week and said, "they'll never have those in my town!"  Then i returned home to Fort Pierce. You guessed it, they placed them around here the day prior to my return.  Yesterday I had to put my car in the shop for a few hours of work.  When i went back to get it, i rode a new scooter.

 left it in the parking lot at the auto place
could not get a photo of ME riding.  but i survived without a scratch.

 The end of San Jose with ETS
  The last truck finishing outbound
day 1
 last night
 hamming it up
 San Jose airport
 San Jose airport machine
San Jose CA bathroom signs

Fort Pierce
 Hannah back at Pierced Cider Bar

Today is laundry day.  
The rest of the week I'll concentrate on more Hurricane Prep.  
It's like Prodigal is a magnet this year...
- Skip

It was Not Championship Wrestling

I'm back in Fort Pierce and it just got weird...

I am posting this with a great deal of mixed feelings.  My gut tells me that this is, or will be soon, considered not politically correct in some circles.  I've never researched it.  Never even seen it.  This was the first wrestling match i've ever attended.  A dear friend of mine got me a ticket last night to Midget Wrestling.  All the wrestlers were little people.  All the spectators were not little people.  Therein lies the rub.  So let me say, I'm writing this as an informative report and not making fun of anyone in the least.  Yes wrestling is fake.  Duhh.  But these 'Micro Wrestlers' put on a very big show!  Lots of big jumps, rope throws and cheering.  I laughed, I cried, I was entertained!
So, in twenty years, when I run for President and you researchers look back here and find this post, please dont judge me too harshly.  Yes, I attended a sanctioned Micro Wrestling event.  Does that make me a bad person unfit for office?  Hope not.  I've also been to a Cockfight in San Luis Potosi, Mexico at their state fair.  It was a legal, normal, part of their culture.  I was also at a Bullfight in Acapulco.  I hope these events dont cause me to lose that election someday....

One NOTE.  the wring is miniaturized.  
It has been created to the scale of the wrestlers.  I could step over the top rope.  It looked very small till it got filled with the wrestlers in the Battle Royale.  It's actually their size.

I hope this next week has some semblance of normalcy.  It's gonna be a short week as I've already signed up for another work trip to New York.  