Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day!  The last two days i sent flowers.  
Now i want to say thanks to all the moms who cook for all of us hungry kids.  
Here are some food photos from the Bahamas
3 Fishermen were lined up on the street yesterday selling fresh Seafood.
Conch fresh from the shell while you wait.  $3 ea.

Fresh Conch Dinner on the boat.

Snapper fresh caught
 Stone Crab claws ala very FRESH & $5 per crab.
note: they tear off the claws and release the crabs back to grow more for next year.
 Curry Chicken & Plantains

 A lizard sitting on the steps at the Post Office.
I was torn between the Dolphin and the Chicken.  Went with Dolphin.  It was delicious.  Came with grits and buttered bread.  note: the juice is a brown gravy that you squeeze lime into and put some hot sauce from the little silver bucket.

Repeats  Some are used in the past...  BUT they are all perfect for this post.

 A Mothers Day Toast 
to all Mom's everywhere, 
who cook - constantly.

Conch Burger
KeeKee cooking.  I sure miss KeeKee, but i'm not going to bed hungry!

Happy Mothers Day.  
I hope all your little mouths are fed.     
- Fat Pirate Skip

more Mothers Day flowers

Happy Mothers Day!  
These are flowers i see on my daily exercise walk.  
enjoy your flowers.