I have committed the cardinal sin of Blogging. i waited till i was too sleepy to write before starting this post.... (bad skip)

Saturday i had visitors: Casey Cowan and his two lovely daughters, Amelia and Alicia. they were out enjoying the perfect weather and the kids spring break. (for those of you who know them, mom - Sandra is in Puerto rico visiting family) we went out on Galveston Bay and everyone took a turn at the tiller. (all hands on deck) Thanks girls for swabbing the deck and doing dishes. little sea urchins.

then today i got a Government approved $40 discount card in the Mail from My Aunt Nona. THANKS. so i rushed out and bought my HDtv convertor box. i had to rip out lots of stuff (dvd, vhs, cables) to get it wired and then all put back together. but the picture is 10,000 times better. my old rabbit ears were pathetic. now i have my old rabbit ears and HD, my shows dont stink!
thanks Nona! xoxoxxo skip