Monday, August 10, 2015

My Liferaft - My Parkinglot - My Choice

Have you ever imagined what it looks like...
 to pull the rip-chord on your life raft?

I dont have to imagine anymore.  I pulled it.  My raft was over eleven years old since the last safety inspection.  (every other year)  The manufacturer told me it was garbage and they would not inspect it again.  So, i pulled it.  then i took my knife and stabbed it several times and threw it into the dumpster.  I'll have to buy a new one before i sail away.

I can sleep better knowing how quickly they inflate and how well they work.  i can also see how small a six man raft is.  I can only guess how small these men are.  i would hate to spend any time in one of these with five other guys my size.  These cost about $2,000.