Happy Mother's Day!
Here is a photo from our 3rd annual Possum Kingdom gathering. Thanks again David for hosting a great visit. It was even warm enough for some to hit the 'cool' water. Kudos to Buzzy who managed to ski a little. I chose to remain in the comfort of the shade on the boat.
Skip, Craig Yakel, David Cox, Tom Cammack, Buzzy Wicker. (L-R)
I am so very far behind in my writing. .. We enjoyed a lovely spring in Kemah. the winter was very mild and the weather -thus far has been quite beautiful. Unfortunately it will turn Summer any day now. to that end i put up my Boat Shades. (thanks again to Tom and Christy Schlinkert of the Shade Tree) *do you remember the story of when i met Tom & Christy in Mexico? circa 2011, on the island of Isla Mujares. Photo* i had been studying on-line for some type of shades for my boat and had shortlisted Shade Tree. Then as fate would have it, who should i run into in a tiny bar, on an island, off the coast of Mexico, but the owners of Shade Tree. note: Tom and Christy are in the extreme right of the photo. they are the cutest couple. scroll down to the bottom of the post, to the photo of people eating scorpions out of the tequila bottle.
I recently purchased some new Sailing Equipment but have yet to have it installed. Add that to the to do list.
For work i have done two shows so far this year. both were in new orleans. (insert photo of dirts, nasty, stinky streets and drunk people here.) My next show is in Anaheim across from Disney. the other extreme.
Here are a couple of food shots. I'm still not skinny.

I hope you are enjoying a great Spring and that your summer is not too hot, too dry, too much work.
Xo, Skip