Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona WHAT?

What is the new normal today?

 Out of toilet paper?  No worries, just run to the store...  Oh Crap!  Today on the local cruiser boat radio net a boat asked if "anyone has some spare toilet paper we can use? we've run out."

I got to the Overseas Bar Friday exactly when they called last call at 4:30PM"The state of Florida is closing ALL bars and restaurants effective immediately."  (plus all: parks, beaches, hotels, and the public library.  The marina changed policy to 'no transients.' you MUST have a month rental to be here.)  All this to limit travel and the spread of the Covid 19 virus.

i didnt get any TP, but i got some ice cream!

I also gave myself a haircut.  One thing checked off my to-do list.