Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Photographer or Tourist? Which are you?

Camera Anyone?

I met this photographer on the Malecon in Ajijic.

I saw this guy with his tripod and massive lens taking a photo of a tiny dot off in the distance.  (a boat) I asked him, "what are you shooting?"  He went on to describe the megapixels on the camera and how he could crop the shot even at this distance...   (blah blah blah)  He further said that he has a longer lens and another camera body in his car.  He said that he is just a hobbyist. He told me he has over 18,000 photographs on a hard drive saved up from his many years of photography.  It was a nice discussion and I wondered why so few shots.

This got me to thinking about how many photos I've taken over the years as a fellow hobbyist.  I just looked at the very small external drive I brought with me to Ajijic, for this trip and it has over 40,000 photos on it, compiled in just the last four years.  (I have eight additional hard drives at home that I've filled over the years.)   On THIS trip, in just the first month, I have taken over 7,000 photos.  Usually I'll take a few hundred to find some that are good enough to post on the blog.  Most are just memories.  But the rare few are truly good photos, and every once in awhile you get the perfect shot.

Good luck to all us amateur's out here trying!         -Skip