one day early "for a site visit." AAOS. (Skip, Mike, Baxter & Los.)

from Mexico to California. note; i shaved off the beard.


Shanty Town. my mom was 'uncomfortable' hearing about the conditions in the poor section. so i wanted to give more coverage to this area. driving around the island on my moped one day i went past a small (~10 acres) square area with many little houses. It reminded me of Potters Field in the movie 'its a wonderful life.' not quite a slum but small square footage and the building materials were very interesting. the streets were all dirt, along with several of the house floors. but things were clean and neat. everyone seems to be happy and well fed. we were welcomed into visit their neighborhood.

Where has the time gone? it seems like i just turned around and i was in Mexico... Today I'm working in San Diego. i flew down here from San Francisco on the NADA show. Tuesday i flew down to San Diego for AAOS show. So what have i been up to? Has anything else happened that i need to report on?
Let's see.... go back to my last post before the 'black out period.' I was working in Cancun on the: the ASRM/AAHS/ASPN shows. the event went well and i enjoyed time with a great client working in luxury and splendor. Between events i spent most all my time being a data entry clerk getting ready for these two back to back shows. Now i am stuck down here in San Diego with warm sunny weather, fresh seafood and an expense account... ahhhh i'm living the dream.
This show goes on through the 21st. then i fly the 23rd to Orlando for a client meeting on yet another show that takes place at the end of March. (i cant worry about that now or i'll go crazy. Frankly Scarlet, i dont give a damn!)
I am sorry to be so brief, but if i keep waiting till i get time to write i get further behind. i cant ever catch up. when i turn around again it will be the end of February. i heard through the grapevine that they have been having some weather around the country. ice and snow? i have been suffering with sunscreen and sunshine!
Hey - dont hate me because i'm beautiful... xo Pirate Skip
Let's see.... go back to my last post before the 'black out period.' I was working in Cancun on the: the ASRM/AAHS/ASPN shows. the event went well and i enjoyed time with a great client working in luxury and splendor. Between events i spent most all my time being a data entry clerk getting ready for these two back to back shows. Now i am stuck down here in San Diego with warm sunny weather, fresh seafood and an expense account... ahhhh i'm living the dream.
This show goes on through the 21st. then i fly the 23rd to Orlando for a client meeting on yet another show that takes place at the end of March. (i cant worry about that now or i'll go crazy. Frankly Scarlet, i dont give a damn!)
I am sorry to be so brief, but if i keep waiting till i get time to write i get further behind. i cant ever catch up. when i turn around again it will be the end of February. i heard through the grapevine that they have been having some weather around the country. ice and snow? i have been suffering with sunscreen and sunshine!
Hey - dont hate me because i'm beautiful... xo Pirate Skip