Friday, April 14, 2017

GOSSIP NEWS - not fit to print / F.O.A.B.

I'm still in the rehab facility with my dad and ran across something today.  I cant drop any names due to HIPAA rules, BUT, I overheard two patients talking with a nurse.  'Constipation and how to fight it...'

I dont have to describe constipation to you.  If you don't know, you dont need to read further.

It seems they have 3 levels of treatment;
#1.)  Milk of Magnesia for mild clogs.
#2.)  A Suppository for an ongoing nagging blockage.
#3.) "The Brown Bomb" for a true colon blow.
        (i'm not kidding, that's the nurses name for it...  The Father Of All Bombs!)

The Brown Bomb is:
30ml - Milk of Magnesia
4 oz - Prune Juice
4 oz - Dr. Pepper

Recipe; Mix ingredients, heat, serve in a fancy mug with a smile and get ready to run!

A fresh Brown Bomb.  (a dirty bomb)

Finally some neighborhood photos 

'IF' you are curious about Angela's comment, LOOK IN HERE.