Fortunately BCBS was able to agree with me and changed the status on the bill from last August and paid over $1,000 toward that. But it still left me with over $400. In addition i had my 80/20% split to the Plastic Surgeon and the Martin Health. Plus i was on the hook for the VAC machine to the tune of over $650. Who knew medical was so expensive?
The stack of hospital paperwork and bills
I have been keeping track of all my bills and decided to share them here:
What this shows is the total amount of services was $69,196.60 and MY portion to pay: $6,627.81.
A slip and fall at Sea causing a cut leg. I learned a valuable lesson. An expensive lesson.
"Murse" (Man-purse) VAC pump
Injury 5 weeks afterward - with thin skin layer grown
Pre-surgery for skin graft - to attach on thin skin
Skin Graft
Today I'm Good as NEW
Happy 4th of July!
Be safe and take care of your legs..
- Peg Leg Skip