Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm back on the Prodigal

After a week in New Orleans, I'm back onboard the boat.

It was a lot like work...

now i have Thanksgiving Holiday.

i hope you are Happy wherever you are.

xo skip

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Orleans Working

I'm working on ASHA this week. American Speech Language Hearing Association. 16,000 speech pathologist and audiologist. These photos are of yesterday before the work began... some of the local color. (mardi gras is a daily thing here, not something for once a year)

all good in the Crescent City.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Saturday on the water

November 12, 2009 This weather is so incredible, it's the best ever! i slept last night with the windows open. Today i rode my bicycle for 2 hours around the small fishing village where i live.

At lunch i got the 'senior plate' pork chop at the Classic Cafe. (mashed potato, gravy, green beans, texas toast) when i got ready to leave - the waitress asked me if i wanted "complimentary " peach cobbler. (duhhh) then when i asked for my check, she told me "the couple at the other table paid your tab." (i have no idea - some days life just works out)

Earlier while riding my bike i met a man who gave me a scrap piece of wood that i've been looking for. A 2x8" piece of treated lumber 40" long i'm using to make a piling bumper out of.

IT WAS A GREAT DAY! i think i'll go to bed early just to put the icing on it.

pirates need sleep too... xo pirate skip

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sorry Sis - it was not a fun day - it was a work day.

First i put the chain and anchor back on the boat. I had to take my hacksaw to it to remove an old shackle that was rusted on. (next i also cut off the first link since i had hacked it up when cutting off the shackle.) Then i painted markers so i can tell how much chain i have let out. Last paint red warning 'bitter end' mark to warn me i'm at the end of the chain. (by now it's 5pm)

*the dirt in the locker was built all the way up to the line. (about 20 lbs worth.) it was burying the water drain hole. all my work will really help with the chain and anchor compartment.

Last i rebuilt the Jabsco Head aft. (put the toilet back together for the back bathroom.) it had been 'working not perfectly' the past few days. i took it all apart and cleaned every piece with vinegar and a toothbrush then rubbed vaseline on every gasket and put it back together. now it's perfect. (i searched for replacement parts or a rebuild kit but couldn't find one in town) it was good practice.
(another jig saw puzzle)

i think i'll go wash my hands and cook dinner!

a pirates life for me... -Skip

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh the Joy! Every day is Saturday...

11/10/09. Well, in reality - today is tuesday.

My sister told me to stop writing all those "all work and no play" entries on my BLOG. she said i need to post some happy, fun times too.

Last week Buzzy came to visit and we went sailing. Hey Sis - we had fun!

There, i feel better with that out of the way. Now, what's going on? I picked up the galvanized chain and anchor. $155 and 450 pounds. (it's in the trunk of my car which leans to it's right) this will help protect the chain from rust.


I've finally taken apart the Windlass motor - to change the oil. The oil had turned into a thick peanut butter gunk with water mixed in. it took a couple of days to get all that out and cleaned up. (i have replacement parts on order with the manufacturer to rebuild it all) now tomorrow i'll put the chain and anchor back in.

it's a puzzle Sis, i'm just having a blast with this 46 foot jig saw boat puzzle...

- pirate skip

ps. i shaved off the santa beard. (fat kids kept sitting on me.)