do you play first base? - Gary Garner
Great question Gary. Obviously i need to talk a little more about our senior softball... we choose teams after everybody shows up. today we discovered in the bottom of the second inning that one of MY TEAMS players was playing second base for the other team. (see, a relaxed format) when we kept calling him to bat we found him out in the field. "Hey bicycle Mike, where are you?" the names are given to distinguish between all the others who started prior with the same name. Big Bob, Mugsy, Snake, Sunshine Mike, Little Dave, Old Joe, Boston Mike... Evelyn plays in a 75yoa women's league. she got a triple in the third and then in the fourth, she hit into a triple play. Evelyn told me she cant catch like she used to, "since I had both knees replaced last year i dont run as well." it's action packed. today i played short rover. it's technically an outfield position but i also stand directly behind second base and back up the infield, cover second when it's hit deep and drop back for big hitters so that i'm in shallow center. (i mostly spent the day running around and moving as the other players yelled me into position) We won 14-12. A couple of these guys are in their 80's, one 90 and nobody is less than fifty.

Bicycle Steve, 'other teams' second base.
Donna, right field. caught 2 flies.
Bam Bam, center field. (big hitter)
Paul & Melinda. headed to Cuba next week
Doug, left field
Joe age 90, catcher.
Sue, scorekeeper.
Donnie, short stop.
Mike, second base, age 80.
Evelyn, age 75, right field.