Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Al Cole, my friend from the Oaks, won an award.

A trip to Orlando for Al Cole to receive an award honoring his volunteer service.

After Al receives his award as "Volunteer of the year for Florida" we had dinner at Harry's.

Glenda - Ex Dir of the Oaks, Gary - Head of Maintenance, Jill, Al, Cathy.
Al accepting his award from the President of the Florida Health Care Association.
Al, Cole (his grandson) & Aviva (Cole's friend)

The Paparazzi
Oakers: Cathy, Al, Jill, Skip
Al serving Coffee in the Cafeteria

Al and Sheila in his brand new Vette.
Al, obviously miserable, with a dancer at Happy Hour.
Al and his wife Sheila.  Sadly, Sheila has recently passed.
Al serving drinks at Happy Hour

Al receives his "Mayor" badge at the Oaks.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

NEW extra stuff.

I have already done posts about cars, bikes, animals, and food.  But I keep seeing new stuff during my travels.  

Here are the current new stuff shots.  
More of the same, but NEW.

A Manatee in a local nearby creek

Key Lime Pie
Wicked Witch of the West

Egyptian Geese, "brought to Texas by the Spanish."

"Buzzards gotta eat too."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

College Frat Weekend

 A guys gathering weekend.  

From my college Frat in 1981.

Tapatio Springs Golf Resort, in Boerne Texas.  It was a 3 day drive, each way.
A good time was had by all and nobody got hurt.