Well im in La Paz. caught a flight last night 9:07pm - 37 minutes @ $200US instead of the 8hr ferry for $80. cheap trade off in my book! (the ferry leaves midnight and gets in about 8am) both have customs clearance in La Paz. not sure why? it crosses the Sea from the same country but to another state? whatever... i breezed through with a wave. a lady who took the ferry stood in line 2 hours to have them drag out all her dirty laundry. MY HOTEL is on a small hill just a half block off the Malecon. $34US per night with sparse but comfortable rooms. (hot water shower!!!) i slept like a stone. Today I enjoyed a great casual breakfast overlooking the Malecon and will be slowly drifting into Cabo this afternoon on the "deluxe" non-stop bus at 12:30. THE WEATHER is toasty warm today. crystal clear skies with tiny cotton candy clouds way up in the sky. a very light breeze making the shade cool and pleasant. if you step from shade to sun you can almost feel the skin begin frying. perfect weather for photographing the city. (just wish i had more time here.)
lots of lovely shots this morning around the town of La Paz and walking the Malecon. must run now to grab a coffee and begin my day.
travel safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
xo skip
... ... ... PS. now im in the bus station, La Paz. it appears my ''premium ticket'' includes the internet. (so the pretty little lady tells me. came over across the terminal where i was pretending to be invisible to inform me. ) well they might be calling me now? no - false alarm. it's all greek to me. my bus leaves soon but not now. im sitting in a quiet little antiroom off the loud crowded terminal. 2 internet stations and a coffee service, gratis. 16 comfortable leather chairs, private bathrooms and a lobby plasma TV of the sea of cortez attractions in spanish - duhhh. im the only one in here. cant imagine why unless its a secret or they are all secretly boarding the bus without me... i'll possibly write more and send photos from Cabo, internet depending. then tomorrow, thur, i have an 8am flight. THE "'TROUBLE"' WITH THE BLOG seems to only happen when i 'try' to publish anything. it sends it to a temp file instead of posting. i have a way around it for a temporary fix but it's difficult. (who cares - i know.) the Blog People will have to fix it on their end. till then i will attempt to creep along with my crutch fix.WELL WE ARE BOARDING THE BUS. i must catch that nap! enjoy the holiday season. warmest - from Mexico. -S
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