Thur report 7.13
Yesterday was a lovely, clear sunny day. After picking up my laundry and visiting my local internet café I decided to visit the Playa Las Gatos. It sits on the southern rim of the Zihuatanejo bay. (a large scemi circle) it’s only accessible by boat. You walk down the little trail along the ocean and through town to the city pier. For $3us you get roundtrip tickets to ride the little ferry boats with 10 people. It takes about 5-10 minutes each way.
I met a couple from California who invited me to join them and share their shaded table seaside. They swam and I sat. it was perfect. I stayed long after the couple, till almost 5pm, when the sun begin to get lower in the sky and shade was harder to find. By the time I made my way back up the hill, showered and cooled off it was dark. Moving my photos took the rest of the night. (I also watched some mystery on TV. The trick is you have to find something with sub titles so you can understand what’s going on, or watch something you’ve seen before so the Spanish dialogue doesn’t matter.)
Now im awake, and feeling great. I’ve had my coffee, cantaloupe breakfast and am ready for adventure. Today I go to Playa La Ropa. A new beach with more great new photos. Clear skies with thin cotton whisps of cloud promise great shots. It’s gonna be a hot one!
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