Wed. 12.26 San Miguel
- This will be my last posting from San Miguel. (I’ll write another from home after I can go through all the photos. I’m about 2 days behind now. It takes hours to view them and there is only so much daylight…) Tomorrow morning I shuttle back to Leon for the flight home. I am sad to be leaving. There is so much more to explore. Perhaps I can return and spend more time. Maybe even take a Spanish course? (why?) today at breakfast Maria (from Argentina) and Mike (from DC) were laughing about something I told the waiter. It seems I was asking for ‘a little’ more milk and instead asked for a little kiss. (I got the milk) so, they laugh and laugh – “we might be making fun of you Skip.”
- IT’S A SMALL WORLD. Yesterday I got Xmas greetings from, Juan and Alejandra, two dear friends I met 5 years ago while traveling through central America. These two were from Argentina and driving a $300 van from Miami Florida down to tierra del fuego. I met them 7 miles from the Guatemala border. (their email is written to me in Mexico from Roatan Honduras where they now live and work) Also I got an email from Gianna and Filippo from Italy who I met in Placencia, southern Belize 3 years ago. Merry Christmas to all my friends – wherever you are today!
- Yesterday was a celebration of Christmas and Mexican Life in SM. We had Mariachi singers and Ruth danced the Tango. This followed by a huge Turkey for dinner for about 60 ppl. It was madness and mayhem! (from 1:30 till 4p) But, I got ahead of myself. First I went to the famous Tuesday Market and then spent most of the afternoon just walking. For dinner I went next door to the Jacaranda Hotel and had Polo Oaxaca. (sorry for butchering the spelling – it’s like all my Spanish / very bad!) it was Mexican chicken in deep thick mole sauce and spicy tangy peppers.
- Now It’s my last day in town. Partly cloudy and high 60’s. not a breath of wind. I will call my shuttle service to confirm plans and then go to the local bank to get hotel money and probably take a few hundred more photos along the way…
- Current Photo Count: ~5,000 (27.5 gigs) this has about filled my laptop hard drive so I’m afraid to load anymore. In addition to the 5k, I’ve already shot 3 more gigs from the Market, Party and walking yesterday. (these are not included in the count and I’ve not seen them yet) Also I’ll shoot more today.
Hope the weather is sunny warm and your food is spicy!
Warmest, xo Skip
- Ps. Footnote: The Large Church downtown. I am told it was built in the 1700’s. (it’s on the signs and I can read #’s in Spanish.) the interesting thing is that it was designed by a ‘common brick layer.’ He saw post cards of the great Cathedrals in Europe and drew plans in the sand each day. He was illiterate but designed the great church from the cards. He only had the front of the cards to work from so only the actual front of this church looks ‘European.’

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