I forgot to mention an interesting little tidbit from the other day. walking down the Marina Pier a neighbor says to Craig, "hey they are giving away free gas." It turns out that Willem Bodenstein the Marina manager is having new gas tanks installed. so, they have to remove the old tanks. all the fuel has to be removed via "hazerdous waste" which is more expensive than giving it away... so word of mouth, radio ship to shore and SSB goes out, along with cell phone and people knocking on each others boats to spread the word. ships are driving up from across town and lining up for free gas. cars and trucks are pulling in from every direction. people on the live aboard boats are bringing their empty dingy cans to fill. madness ensues. but everyone was happy and smiling, laughing and waiting patiently. Hey, it's FREE GAS. like cristmas in august! even Willem was smiling.

later that day Craig worked on some new shelves for Angela. this required trips to Home Depot, and West Marine for parts. there is little rest time. (except during my nap time)
all good here. -skip
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