Today; Ken got up and drank a pot of coffee talking non-stop without doing ANY work. then he drove away laughing... (he's welcome back any time, but must bring his bride Diann) first; Craig and i had to empty the 'V' birth to check the windless battery and connect it to the battery charging system. then we left it charging while we went to lunch at Luby's. (yum) Next, we made a car trip to the LPG refill store to fill the 2 tanks. (Glenda refused to fill either tank - they were "unsafe". no argument.) we ended up spending $160 there - all new valves, fittings, hoses, tanks x2. After the LPG buying spree, we motored over to the diesel dock and took on 65 gallons of diesel fuel. ($195) *** Checked the Windless - anchor picker upper.
*** arriving at the diesel dock (careful pilot skip) cautiously eased up to the dock, exactly as planned... just as the diesel walks up and says - "you have to go to the other side, these pumps were flooded in the Hurricane and dont work." this required a 'very difficult back and fill "3 point turn.'" finally just before dark we returned to my pier - J9, and made an A+ docking. (all due to Craigs help)
Special thanks to Craig and Ken for all their help this week! great job guys.

learning slowly, Skip
(remember: stupid is as stupid does!)
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