Thursday, February 12, 2009

2.12 My View, Galveston Bay

I Live on the Left end of the Marina, on J dock. i am at the end of the line (think culdesac) and the only live aboard on my dock. i am the "little old lady who watches out her window" to see what everyone is doing... I am the neighborhood watch program. When the other boats are visited I am the inspector general. I don't know everyone on every dock. but i know everyone on mine!
In the background is the Boardwalk. Lots of tourist attracting restaurants and rides. After the hurricane they pumped money back into this place fixing everything up like 'better than before.'

It's a nice place to visit. It's a nice place to live.
plan a visit! xo skip

1 comment:

Angela said...

It just spanks suburbia, doesn't it?! Why listen to the muffler glass-packs on the neighbor kid's hotrod, when instead, you can have the wind whistling through rigging and the occasional slap of a halyard on a mast??
Look forward to your visit, big sexy!!!
The Admiral