Well, i've been working through my to-do list.... Today was oil and impeller change on the Perkins engine and Onan genset. Craig, my sailing buddy, suggested i replace both now since we don't know when that was last done. If either part deteriorates the engine will burn up. (i cant afford that) You are supposed to do this annually.

So Dave opens the engine room door and says, "i smell diesel - you have a leak somewhere." This was the start of my day.

The swing arm on the Genset belt was cracked / broken in two. the Water pump on the Perkins engine was so worn, pitted and grooved it must be replaced. hose leaks dripping seawater. cracked fuel lines. dipstick hose pipe stripped, broken fuel line - 'replaced' by under gauge hose.... it was a tough, expensive day.
so we have now finished for the day. i just have to tomorrow replace the impeller on the Genset and when the new water pump arrives - swap that out.
did you know there are primary filters, secondary filters, filters for water, filters for oil, raw water strainers, fan belts, pulleys, pumps and hoses. i didn't. Did you know that there are very thin aluminum washers on the fuel line that can be overtightened to the thickness of aluminum foil? (did you know that if you over tighten them - diesel fuel leaks?) have you seen a 12 volt oil pump for doing oil changes? a tiny motor to move oil.
last word - ' i need to replace all the hoses. ' (ouch!)
i have washed off all the oil and scrubbed my fingernails. i'm not yet a diesel mechanic. but i'm one day closer! it all runs. but i'm not ready to run away...
xo skip
I had no Idea I was taking my kids out on such a rust bucket :-). If you didn't have stuff to fix you wouldn't learn anything.
Boy that mayonnaise sure does look good....we have lots aboard so we will make sure we save some for your sandwiches!!
Captain Craig
Wow! I have never seen you that close to that much mayo. I am not sure how you survived. However, if you do eat all of that mayo on top of some good fried food, it appears that you get to play bumper cars in Wal Mart.
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