Today the sun came out clear and bright. After two days of gray spitting mist mixed with hard downpours it was a very welcome change! We* did a self guided tour of the volcano (*Jimmy is here too. a guy from the office) for about three hours this morning. $6,000 Centavos was the fee. ($8US) They have a nice map all printed out showing the two very different trails. #1.) 4 hours, around the lake "where misquitoes will eat you up" then you climb the steep hill, "there is a rope to help you climb up." #2.) 1 hour, a nice relaxing trail close to the volcano. WELL THEY LIED. it was not nice and relaxing. it was 'needing a rope' of it's own. *i chose the easy trail and wish it were actually easy.
The volcano has not so much as burped since we arrived Sunday night just after dark. also the top of the mountain has been hidden by clouds every second. So, it's not been what i had expected. it's relaxing and quiet. i was expecting constant booming explosions from the mountain. (i was here five years ago and the eruptions woke me up shaking the windows. also the clouds cleared away and i could SEE the top of the volcano - which had molten lava boiling out of it!) the locals i have asked all tell me that last month it erupted every day. i can only hope to be awaked tonight by a violent explosion...
So back to the hike. after more than an hour i reach the summit. it's marked by signs, "this is where the lava ran during the 1968 eruption." it's about this time that i start thinking maybe this is not the safest place to stand? directly below the mountain, in the lava path? no worries, i can just run down the mountain if it should actually errupt. (sure. it takes an hour to climb here and i'll outrun molten lava to escape.)
it didn't. on the hike back down i saw some Howler Monkeys, lots of flowers and birds. i think it was worth about $8.
now i'm sitting in the hotel restaurant typing. tomorrow i drive to the Pacific coast and Playa Coco. More photos from there.
Happy Holiday! -Pirate Skip
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