Thursday, April 12, 2018

Treasure Island

I've been here at Treasure Cay for a few days doing a scouting mission.  Six friends are coming here on 4/27th and they rented a beach house for a week.  My mission - should i decide to accept it - is to scout out the restaurants and the grocery to insure it is all up to the rigorous standards of my friends.  (Yes i know you are shouting - LIAR!  Liar, Liar pants on fire...  you are thinking i have no friends and should such people exist, they obviously have very very very low standards)  #Oxymoron.

Well i did find a grocery and a small handful of restaurants.  Plus the beach at the rental is PERFECT.

 The evening of my arrival i was out at dinner and looked up to see this storm blowing in.

 The Beach House

So, bring it on.  If YOU happen to be at Treasure that week, come by for a Happy Hour.

- 007 Skip


Ryan said...

That's a pretty impressive looking storm. Was it bad, or did it just look bad because you got an unimpeded view of it?

Skip said...

Great question Ryan. (also I compliment you on - "unimpeded.") It was a STORM of the highest order. When the sky turns dark, the air turns instantly cold, the breeze turns into a strong wind, ALL while you are frantically trying to pay your bill and flee, It's Bad!

We were out at dinner down the street from the Marina. Sitting on an uncovered outdoor deck. (I'm dying to use 'unimpeded' here) When all of a sudden this storm starts blowing up. Remember we have to hustle back to the marina - then get in our dingys try to get back to our boats before the storm hit. Get back to our boats to close hatches and ports before we are flooded. I made it, but only just barely. It rained and blew like stink for quite awhile. I was happy to be at home on the boat - with the rain IMPEDED by my canvas enclosure!