Happy Thanksgiving!
I was invited Thursday to the Yacht Club for a Thanksgiving Pot Luck. We filled every seat and every plate. It was a nice visit with lots of other sailors. A couple of the club members attended to assist with the kitchen duties, set up and organization. Dean, the City Marina manager (for the last 20 yrs) coordinated the lunch with the club and invited all the marina folks. Remember the Yacht Club members live in houses in the city and celebrated with their families, while we yachties are all from somewhere else, living on boats and alone. It was a very nice affair. I met Mary and Larry Kerr, from B dock and a 43' Hatteras Miss Mary. Plus the cutest couple, Dave and Lisa Cardinal from Michigan on their Hunter 45' sailboat, Caribbean Breeze. The Cardinal's retired and left Michigan in August and JUST ARRIVED at the fuel dock at the marina minutes before the luncheon started. They met Dean and he invited them to join us. Soon after eating they got up and excused themselves. They had to go and start again on their journey south. They are en-route to Marathon. (where I'll be going in January)

I took a corn dish to the Pot Luck.
Corn shown pre-cooking
My plate. 'a good time was had by all.'
I hope you didn't leave the table hungry? Pirates do EAT!
- Peg Leg Pirate Skip
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