Saturday, December 14, 2019

Prodigal is home at the marina

 Two coats of paint on the bottom.

 My mysterious empty hotel and me in rm1
Christmas tree lights in Fort Pierce
Two Coats all over and a third at the waterline.
Finally paint under the floor lumber
where the bottom rested on posts
 Sanded prop ready for painting
new zincs being installed

2 coats of metal prop paint
Finally launching Prodigal back into the water

LYNN the question sister asked:  I was hoping the video would show the boat plopping into the water! Who drives it? When did you climb on?  *So i added this video and photo.  
(you can see on the right side a guy attaching a 'plank' for us to walk across onto Prodigal.)
The driver is up on the lift.
Finally, it's snow bird season
with the cooler weather up north, the snow birds arrive and so do the Manatee. 
They BOTH come here for the warm weather and warmer waters.

A Manatee back at my marina

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