Describe what it's like enduring social distancing on the boat when all of the places you would normally go are closed to the public. And it looks like the state of Florida means it. Peggy saw where they are road blocking on I-10 keeping people from going to the beaches. Do you have reservations back at the Ft Pierce Marina for June? Still think about the Pierced Cider‘s “sleepy pear cider”. I know things didn’t go as you had planned working with your old company this spring but at least you averted the potential problems of sailing back to the Bahamas this Covid-19 pandemic...whether it turns out to be over blown or not.
Whether it be luck or skill, some folks just have it... Doug
Well Doug asked some great questions. I imagine it's the same here as everywhere else in the USA except we are out on boats? Our 'front yard' is the mooring field and people sit up in their cockpits and wave at their neighbors a 120' away. Also friends drop by when they are out in their dinghy's to say hi.

keeping social distance during a dinghy visit
Prodigal viewed at the end of a city canal
The closest house on shore, about 100 yards away.
Prodigal in her line of mooring balls.
In response to Doug's 3 questions:
#1.) Enduring Social Distancing? I still go to shore most days and ride my bicycle for exercise. (and mental health) There are much fewer people out. With the highway closed at Miami coming south down the keys, the traffic on US1 is way down to a trickle of its normal self. Instead of taking 4-5 minutes waiting for a gap to cross the highway, now i can sometimes look both directions and not see a car. The marina is quarantined. (that may not be the official term, but i think it's the design.) IF you take your car and drive up to Miami, or further, you CANT come back to the marina. No 'guests or visitors' are allowed into the marina or harbor. It's for the healthy to stay here separated from any sick from up in the states. "IF you are caught with a visitor you will be kicked out of the marina." - The MARINA Staff
#2.) Fort Pierce Marina in june? All bets are off at this point. My last conversation with them was for a return and they said I am welcome. Now all this crazy sickness has happened and I will see what the new rules are toward the end of May.... (what the rules are up there) I expect and am planning to return to Fort Pierce. (I'm thinking they will finally have the new restaurant open? have the pump-outs fixed.)
Dinghy Dock March 1st
Dinghy Dock March 28th
My local bar, at happy hour 5p, on a Friday!
#3.) sailing back to/from the Bahamas. Yes, I'm glad that I'm not trapped over in the Bahamas with zero medical coverage and restricted entry upon return along with forced self quarantine. I can only guess what the provisions are over there? If all the produce and paper products were totally removed from the stores here, they must be gone over there too. I feel lucky to be here in a good quarantine location. We are geographically separated, then mooring balls separated.... Also I notice very few dinghys tied to the dock lately. A month ago there was not an inch of dock space free. Now it's like a ghost town at the marina.
daily checking for TP (2 wks)
Found the LAST pkg of TP
riding home my TP
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