Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Dunedin Chandeliers

The Dunedin Chandeliers

I was riding my bicycle down Broadway Street in Dunedin when I ran across a local Craftsman working in his front yard.  He had a couple of Chandeliers hanging and it piqued my curiosity.  He said something about in his retirement he decided he would decorate the yard and apparently it's caught on because you can find these lovely yard ornaments hanging all over town.

Note the woodpecker at the feeder.
This view is 3 yards, down the street, all with Chandeliers.

I met a lady across town (not on this street) who was set up in her carport for making Chandeliers that she sells.  I'm guessing lots of these are made by the homeowner, but that's a guess.  Helen, one lady I met, told me I need to come back at night when they are all lit up.  A challenge for later?  

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