Friday, August 30, 2024

Just another small cup of crap

If you are 60yoa or Older, you are at risk to develop a skin Cancer.  Highest risk for those who "got sunburns in their youth, and spent their childhoods outside."
"Squamous cell skin cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the United States."

My last post was regarding the recently discovered Squamous Cancer on my left leg.  Now, I've discovered two additional spots.  Same leg and down by the ankle.

After the biopsy on my left leg, I noticed another small bump near my ankle.
*finding a cancer, makes you LOOK for cancer!
here is a closeup of the spot near my ankle.
Further study makes me think maybe, just maybe, that's a third spot lower right?
So the Dermatologist does a biopsy on the ankle spot.  It's Squamous.

After that second biopsy I go back and have this 3rd spot also biopsied.  

The ankle spots after biopsy.  Surgeries not yet scheduled.

The doctor said, "if you have a Squamous, you have a 50% chance of having another."

Obviously they cant tell me what MY chances are of having any more of these little 'Satan Scars' from popping up again. The good news is that these don't hurt except when I'm in their office, in the procedure chair.  The biopsy sites are washed at home, by me, morning and night with soap and water and fresh band-aids affixed. 

I am and have been a patient of the Dermatologist since 2008.  I go in for regular checkups.  Every 6 months, religiously.  These spots have all grown since my last visit.  You have been warned.

-Peg Leg Skip

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