TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. - A long-standing tradition in the Greek Orthodox community, the Epiphany celebration, took place Monday in Tarpon Springs. The 119th annual event began at 10 a.m. with a church service, followed by a procession to Spring Bayou at 12 p.m.
Our community has commemorated Christ’s Baptism with the ceremonial cross dive for over a century. The day begins with Orthros and Liturgy services at St. Nicholas Cathedral. Following Liturgy, a procession of clergy and faithful winds its way to Spring Bayou. Once there, the Archbishop of America blesses the waters, as throngs of believers descend upon the water’s edge.
The Gospel of the day is then read and a white dove is released to signify the descent of the Holy Spirit. Each year, a member of the community, typically a young woman, is chosen to carry the dove in the procession.
After the dove is released, the Archbishop casts a cross into the bayou and young men dive into the waters. The one diver who retrieves the cross is considered blessed for the entire year.
More than 65 teens jumped into the Bayou to find the cross, which promises a year of blessings. This year's retriever of the cross dive was 17-year-old Luc Boillot.
See the two Manatees in the foreground. There were several swimming around.
This was a Religious Ceremony. But as you can see in the photos, there were lots of people and on the far side of the bay we could not really 'hear' the words. I could hear something, but not the actual words. So, on our side of the circle it was more a Carnival, or County Fair atmosphere. The weather was sunny, clear and mid 70's, so everyone was energized and excited to watch the pageantry. Everyone was respectful, but not everyone was Greek Orthodox. Everyone did have a great time!

I am including this map and street view to give you a sense of the size and scope of the 'quarantined area.' There were pedestrian barricades down the entire length of both sides of the road. I came over to get some photos after the cross was recovered. *See the building behind where I stood. After everyone had passed, as I turned to go back to my bicycle and start home, I saw in the big windows of the tiny building, Soldiers. Armed soldiers in full uniform, with Combat gear, and machine guns. (*I did NOT attempt to take their photo) They were standing in the window watching the street for God knows what. Fortunately everything went smoothly with no problems requiring Police, or Army intervention.
PEOPLE I met along the way.
Sisters standing by me.
The Blond kid, third from left, dove for the cross last year.
Peace Officers. There was a very noticeably large Police presence.
It was a beautiful day, so I rode my bicycle up to Tarpon for the Epiphany.
I cant wait till next year.
I'll go earlier and get a better vantage point.
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