Sunday, June 03, 2018

A dogs day afternoon

Dog Sanctuary – Abaco Shelter

Last week I was out on a bike ride and decided FINALLY to stop at Bliss Coffee Shop.  I have ridden past it a hundred times.  This particular morning it was calling out to me, 'Well Howdy-do'.  It’s an Airconditioned shop with wifi.  Had I known that months ago I might have been there every day…    Free wifi and airconditioning are two things I dream about.  As I got my cup of coffee I noticed a little cash collection box at the register with a dogs photo placed up on it.  So I asked, what’s this about?  “It’s the local dog shelter.”  Oh.  I had noticed that there are zero stray dogs running loose on the island, but I never thought about there being some, or where they were.  “Mostly they are older dogs as the puppies are shipped off to foreign shelters for adoption.”  WELL aint that the way.  Take the cute young things and leave “the old dogs.”  (reminded me of a guy who lives on my boat)  I decided to ride my bike out and see the shelter. 
April brings her daughter to work.  Too cute!

Turns out the shelter is way outside town on the highway toward Treasure Cay.  So I gather up my bottled water, snack, camera and took off on my bike.  *At the time I didn’t realize they aren’t open every day.  There is NO sign on the road at their location.  It’s a very very long way.  They are not set up for walk in traffic.   (but if you are persistent, ride in traffic is OK)

I rode forever, till long after I was hot sweaty and tired.  Rode farther than I ever had on that particular road.  Then I road a little further.  About the time I’m ready to cuss and turn around I came to the Electric power generation plant.  Obviously it’s not a dog rescue facility but there are people in view and the gate is open, so I ride in – like a tourist.  (four workmen are sitting in a shady barn type structure like it’s breaktime)  “Hey guys I was told there is a Dog Sanctuary somewhere out here.  Can you point me toward it?”  Sure, you passed it already about a mile back on the other side of the road.  It’s just a gate.  (damn)  “OK thanks.  I saw an open gate back there but no sign.”   Yep, that’s it.
Oh, THIS gate?
Now ride almost half mile in...

OK, now I have clear concise directions, cant miss.  Ride about a mile back and go into an unmarked open gate.  What could go wrong?  As it turns out, nothing.  I found it.  My goodness you should have heard all the barking from the group of welcoming dogs in the outside pens.  Hair standing up bristling, teeth bared and growling – and the dogs were making faces at me too.  I stood around outside trying to find a door that the dogs could not escape from.  I expected at any second the staff would come out and yell at me and the dogs to stop barking at each other.  Nothing.  Every once in a while I hear people talking inside the ‘dog building.’  But nobody comes out to investigate the doggies barking wars.  Even after I start yelling to the building, I cant gain access.  Finally Adrian comes outside to ‘work’ and see’s me standing by the gate.  I’m allowed access but know this is highly unusual as I can hear them chatting inside.  Plus they are almost finished with their chores of a busy doggy day and ready to close up and go home.  But they are kind enough to let me look around and take a few photos.  They answer all my stupid questions and escort me out.  It’s a much bigger operation than I had expected.  About fifty dogs and a shoestring budget.  They have a Facebook page and other SOCIAL MEDIA if you want to assist them. 

Molly, Adrian, Chris, Paul

I’m not really a dog lover, but sure loved my visit.  
Thanks again Molly for sharing with me.      

- Yap Yap Growl Skip

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