Monday, November 29, 2004

Colors Fish w/ friend
Cucumber Scorpion Fish Lobster hole 3 Lobster Dinner Spotted Morey Crab close up Crab 2004 Honduras Group - AVHQ dive club

Richard Craig and Casey Puffer fish Coco view resort

I wanted to give you a quick reference of our days. An overview.

Monday 5:20am - wake up to sunrise shining through the screened wall. (oh but wait, I didn’t mention the 2:45am divers. We have ‘unlimited’ diving here. You can grab a tank 24/7 and dive. I awoke at 2:45 to see two divers walking up to shore.)

6:30a-8a breakfast. (I had a waffle, OJ, cantaloupe, banana, sausage, English muffin, milk, coffee. Light fare.)

at 8:45 ‘sharp’ the 3 horn burst warns of 15 minutes till the first boat dive. This is followed by 2 bursts @ 10 minutes and 1 burst for 5 minutes. Then… diving.

At 9am the boat takes you 7 minutes down the coast to dive a beautiful wall covered in huuuuge barrel sponges. 45-55 minutes later with all back on board the boat pounds through the surf back to the “front yard” of the resort. Here you get a second tank and dive your way back in to the resort. In the mornings they drop you along the wall in front of Fantasy Island, in the afternoon you are dropped on the wall at Coco View.

11:30-12:30 Lunch. Fish Fingers (grouper) potato salad, rice & beans (black), peanut butter cookie. The lunch reminded me of summer camp as a boy. There are a few choices so you can find something you like but there is no menu to pick from. Certainly no one from our group has pushed away from the table hungry or disappointed.

2pm the afternoon boat leaves for an even better dive site. This followed by the second tank.

About 4:30pm you have made it back to shore, rinsed all your equipment (to remove the salt water) and stored everything in your personal locker. Now you get tomorrows Nitrox tanks and check them for % mix, enter the exact amounts into the detailed log and call it a day.

5:30pm A meeting for ‘proper buoyancy techniques’ needed to be allowed to dive “Marys Place.” (you have to attend to do the dive – one of the best in Roatan)

6:30pm Dinner. Steak, Shrimp, noodles, mushroom gravy, salad, bread, veggies, coconut cake.

8pm back to the room to work on the ‘BLOG.’

10pm lights out and sleep like a log till 5:30am