Thursday, November 10, 2016

NEW Questions Questions Questions

*WHO IS LEAVING THE U.S. now that Trump actually won?  Miley Cyrus called me and wants to reserve the Vee Birth.  So i'm going to have to clean out all that crap that is thrown in there.  Now what do i charge her for passage? 

Is Sarasota as nice as Apalachicola? 
Looking forward to the next leg of your Journey.

Tommy B.
Great question Tommy, and difficult to compare.  This is not an apple to apple situation.  Apalach was a tiny little seaside village of ~2,200 ppl.  (50% tourism, 50% Oysters. zero stop lights) Sarasota is over 50,000 ppl and a City.  LOTS of cars, people and very busy and fast.  In Apalach there was a Piggly Wiggly and an IGA, or you could drive 20 miles to the next closest town for a 'big grocery.'  (plus i only had my bicycle)  NOW in Sarasota i have a car and am surrounded by stores.  Hundreds of stores, restaurants and bars.  For groceries its; Publix, WinnDixie, Whole Foods, Save-a-lot, Thrive Market, Trader Joe's, Walmart, Albertsons, Siesta, MiPueblo, Sahara Food.....   (you get the idea)

Short answer:  NO.  Apalachicola was a hidden jewel, somewhere very special.  Sarasota is like fast food. No matter what you seek, Sarasota has 'some' of it.  IF Apalachicola was what you wanted, it had all of it.   *THANKS for the good wishes and yes i too am looking forward to moving on.
new comment on your post "Sunday Church in Sarasota": 
'Jane the comment sister' says you need a mermaid-titty-tattoo! Instead of get out and vote, I say get out and getta titty tattoo! 

Posted by Jane S.

Short answer:  NO.
I just read your blog post about going to church, twice! Good for you-- surely they loved your singing. Did anyone speak to you? Did you go out to lunch? I hope those Florida people know how to be christian. 
Xo, Lynn 

Sent from my iPhone
Short answer:  YES.  Lots of people spoke to me, introduced themselves and shared news and notes. I returned to the boat for lunch and YES the Floridians are good Christians by all standards.
does the boat rock?
Do you have an ice chest?  (how do you keep beer cold?)

-Cam P.
Short answer:  YES.  but the boat rocks, very little, and mostly i don't notice it.  when another boat speeds by (too fast) it creates some minor waves that cause the boat to gently rock.  this usually lasts for just a few seconds and then it sits back down calm and still.  I have a freezer and refrigerator to keep food at the perfect temperature.  (by boat standards, i have pretty large facilities.)
"I was surprised to read Cam's question. 
Maybe it's time to do a post on your kitchen and living areas on the boat. You show more deck and surrounding areas, water, restaurants, people, etc. Show us how you live down there."

Similar question: do you ever fish for your dinner?

Xo, Lynn 
Short answer: OK, i'll work on that.  i guess i have not YET supplied a complete view of my living area or facilities.  It's quite luxurious below decks with 6'7" headroom and all the comforts of a large Winnebago....   more on this later on another future post.  Fish?  i often drag a lure when i'm out way offshore.  (3ml limit for national / state fishing)  I dont have a fishing license for Florida and cant afford a fine.  I just am not sure it's worth it to get a license if i'm leaving in two months?  So, long answer, NO, i dont really fish for my dinner. 

THANKS everyone for the great questions.       -Capn Skip