Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friends and Mullet's don't mix 8.26.10

Today i got a comment from a friend:

I show the kids in the classroom pictures of your boat, they love it.

Gary Garner

Benton Junior High


This is a 'shout out' (thanks Sarah Palin for the delightful imagery) to my friends in Benton. Although Gary is known to be a liar, i have to assume that some of you do, really do - at some point in history - look at this crap i write. So a big Texas Howdy to everyone in Benton!


Mullet Report. in addition to Gary's comment i got a request for a Mullet showing. (like the elusive Bigfoot, Yeti or the very scary chupacabras, this is not something for the faint of heart.) These are the most recent sightings. None have been had since the haircut Tuesday.

Being a Pirate aint pretty. -Skip