Saturday, January 07, 2017

Pirate Hair Cut TIME

I got a haircut yesterday!  
But first we went to the 10am Meeting for First time visitors to the Bahamas.  It had about a 100 ppl attend.  Lots of folks who made it down to the tip of the USA and are now getting ready to sail across into the great unknown...

Burt and Prue Preston of s/v Exuberant taught the class and passed along lots of very valuable info.  *Pru is a 9th grade teacher in real life and it shows.  i almost got sent to the Principles office for asking a question out of order.  Fortunately i got away with just a hand slap! This meeting was followed by a Lunch Meeting of the local sailing club at Hurricanes.  Where the guest speaker talked briefly about sailing to Cuba.  (he will speak tue about "the 3 biggest myths of sailing to Cuba.  I'm excited to go to this talk and hear all about it.)

Then after the 2 meetings and lunch we arrived back at the Townhouse for a haircut.  
'Lynne Scissor-hands' cut it.  She says,  "Edward used his hands to make bushes into animals" and Lynne used shears to make a Pirate into me.
also BEFORE.
totally AFTER!

Lynne used this template and my cutting sheers to create the transformation.