Friday, November 01, 2019

Welcome to November

The Construction is progressing.

the view from my cockpit


The lovely home owner, Tatum, pictured here.  She told me, "come out at 5p to avoid the crowds.  it will get so packed, they close down the streets to cars."  It turned out to be even more crazy than my old mind could comprehend.  It was a zoo!  The entire neighborhood turns out, sitting in their front yards with huge buckets and tubs of candy to hand out.  The street FILLS with little tricksters.

Same street, 2 blocks down.  The live band, The Humdingers, playing in a front yard.  #Mayhem

Very early BEFORE it got crowded
Also early and not crowded

800 pieces of candy gone in less than two hours.  
Risotto was handed out after the candy disappeared.  (Zane went to the kitchen and brought out the big box of pasta.) After the pasta was running short, we started some delicate improve, faking an empty hand to the kids bags...  Then finally totally out of everything to hand out and the sad painted faces of the trick or treaters when we told them.  "Sorry kid, we are out of candy."  (also the sad face of the kid who put his hand into his little bucket and pulled out the Risotto noodle.  His little mind was blown!)  Reminded me of my youth when the Williams Family ran out of candy and my Mom wrapped pecans in purple toilet paper to hand out.  Some times its a trick...
I hope you got more treats than tricks this year?
-Pirate Skip