Tuesday, August 06, 2019

The Fort Pierce Peacocks

A lovely Florida Sunset in Fort Pierce

I dont know much about Peacocks, but this looks a lot like a mating dance.
'She' must have been the Homecoming Queen!  All the guys are interested.

The Peacocks walk around loose over on Orange Street about 6 blocks from the marina.  I first saw signs with 'Peacock Crossing' warnings and a big Peacock silhouette on the sign last year when out bike riding.  Naturally i figured it was some local who thought they were funny.  But the fact is there are lots of Peacocks in a particular neighborhood.  I COUNTED 45 yesterday.  Forty Five at one time.  Forty Five that i could SEE all at the same time.  I could hear others around the block squawking and making Peacock sounds.  But i visually, at one time, counted 45 in plain sight.  This is my personal record.  

Perhaps they had gathered to welcome me home?  Maybe!
- weary driver Skip