Saturday, October 07, 2023

Porto, Portugal for a visit

 Friday I flew to Portugal. Normal?

Sister Jane drove me to the airport in Maastrict, Netherlands and I flew to Portugal.

but first: #twighlightzone
Ryan Air flt #7676
This lady came over and sat BESIDE ME in the waiting area.  She informed me, "It's my first flight ever.  I'm flying with my dad and he's flown once before."  THEN she proceeds to carry on a very lengthy video conference call on speaker at full volume.  The ENTIRE gate area was laughing and staring.  She was totally oblivious of her surroundings. 

About the time I got comfortable with the crazy loud phone call beside me, 
this couple walked in and pranced around.  (i was starting to wonder if I was on a TV show?)
Then this guy walked in.
This was my view, directly in front of me, while the Nutter is on the phone beside me.
Fortunately the flight was ordinary and uneventful.

After the flight I asked about his outfit.  It's his 'college outfit.'
This couple are living 10yrs in Maastricht, from Brazil.
This guy got on the Metro directly across from me (my two bags sitting to his right) and proceeded to repair his crack pipe with new aluminum foil.  He holds the foil on with a black hair tie.  He's from India and informed me when my stop was.  Everyone is friendly in Porto!


A shot of some foods I loved.

Now for a fun adventure filled week in Porto.