Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sorry Sis - it was not a fun day - it was a work day.

First i put the chain and anchor back on the boat. I had to take my hacksaw to it to remove an old shackle that was rusted on. (next i also cut off the first link since i had hacked it up when cutting off the shackle.) Then i painted markers so i can tell how much chain i have let out. Last paint red warning 'bitter end' mark to warn me i'm at the end of the chain. (by now it's 5pm)

*the dirt in the locker was built all the way up to the line. (about 20 lbs worth.) it was burying the water drain hole. all my work will really help with the chain and anchor compartment.

Last i rebuilt the Jabsco Head aft. (put the toilet back together for the back bathroom.) it had been 'working not perfectly' the past few days. i took it all apart and cleaned every piece with vinegar and a toothbrush then rubbed vaseline on every gasket and put it back together. now it's perfect. (i searched for replacement parts or a rebuild kit but couldn't find one in town) it was good practice.
(another jig saw puzzle)

i think i'll go wash my hands and cook dinner!

a pirates life for me... -Skip