Wednesday, December 07, 2022

The rumors are not true!

“The reports of my death 

are greatly exaggerated.”

Last Saturday morning I was up early drinking coffee and watering my little house plants when the phone rang.  "Ring,  ring,  ring, hello?"  (i got a call) "Hello, this is big Tom. Dude, you aren't dead." (duhh) Nope, not yet.  "Well i heard you were found dead yesterday by the cleaning lady."  

George at the Halloween Party.  Age 85.
I found out later that day that Old George had passed. He was tall, funny, and rode a bicycle.  
Someone had mistaken that information for my being dead.


Next Chapter: fast forward to Wednesday.  Wednesday was my birthday and I was on my balcony about to celebrate with a cocktail and a cigar, when my phone rang.  "Hello?"  Hi, this is Skip.  "Oh Holy Shit!  What are you doing?  Get down here to the bar.  NOW!"

Bartenders: Heidi and Taylor (taken at Halloween)

Turns out my untimely demise was also reported down at the bar.  There was much laughter and merry making when it turned out I was not quite dead yet.  I got numerous hugs and kisses from both the bar maids and some local patrons.  Plus, when word got out somehow (maybe it was ME telling everyone?) that it was my birthday, AND I was not dead, they bought ALL my drinks.  It turned out to be one of my best birthdays ever.

It's good to have a birthday and it's great to not be dead.  Hope you are not dead wherever you are today.  Plus, I hope it's sunny and 79 degrees for you too.

Warmest Holiday Wishes,  Skip