Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona Monday - the new normal

Corona Testing set up today 
in the city park just outside our marina entrance.

I got word today that "people are driving down to Marathon from Miami to buy groceries."  That stuff is gone off the shelves up there.  I guess it's not as safe here as I assumed.  The disease might ride down with them!

Jess was out alone in the parking-lot folding a jib sail.  I stopped to help him.  After we got it folded and back into its sail bag he told me a story about 'when he sailed to Texas.'  He and his brother took a 16' Hobie Cat and sailed it from St. Augustine FL around the state and all the way to Galveston TX in 1975.  then they sailed it around Texas and "down Mexico for two days" before returning to Texas.  Next they "took the Hobie totally apart and put it on a truck."  They went to San Diego and put it back together and sailed up to Los Angeles.  I cant imagine all that.