Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Prodigal still (STILL) at the dock in Marathon

Prodigal is still 'Under Construction' with it's hydraulic steering RAM ripped out.

Today the part got to the manufacturer for them to repair.  In this time of Covid and masks, what used to 'absolutely, positively has to be there overnight' is taking three days.  Damn!  So i sit here waiting - impatiently.  I cant steer the boat or depart till this repair is done.  Hopefully they can turn it around to arrive back first of the week.

 Beaches have reopened and the Cops monitor social distancing

Saturday Cam and Robbin Prock are going to join me for the sailing adventure of moving Prodigal north along the Florida East Coast back up to Fort Pierce.  I expect it to take us a week.  But for now, i sit and wait on my part and repair.

 Mark with his 'house-bike.'
 rental units
 Lobster traps
 Prodigal gets a visit from a Manatee

Manatee's LOVE fresh sweet water. 
This one is right beside Prodigal under the dock catching a slow drip.